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MID Investment Program Budget Increase and Info

Posted ByJean Surette

The Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture and Music-Musique NB announce a budget increase for the MID program.

July 16th, 2024
Music•Musique NB (MNB) and the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture (THC) are thrilled to announce a budget increase to the Music Industry Development (MID) Investment Program. This investement program supports artists and music businesses in New Brunswick. 

MNB has received $430,000 from the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture through the Arts Development Trust Fund which will enhance the existing $320,000 received from the department for the program.  With the total amount of $750,000 this substantial increase will empower MNB who has managed the program since 2017 to provide unprecedented support to artists and music businesses across the province.

“We have more than doubled the amount of financial support for our thriving music sector in New Brunswick - a sector I believe has great growth potential,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace.  “We are proud to be investing in MNB and we are fortunate to have so many great artists in our province.”

“We are delighted about the increase to the MID program,” says MNB President Eva George. “This support will enable us to enhance our programs, support more artists and expand current initiatives. This investment will make an impact on our efforts to promote & sustain our vibrant music industry.”

This funding marks a new chapter for our sector, and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on our vibrant music industry. 

MID program website:


Changes to the program

MNB is thrilled to announce some significant changes to the Music Industry Development program. Below you will find some information regarding new component maximums, increases to some eligible costs as well as more clarity on when and how clients of the program can expect answers regarding their applications. These changes are now in effect. For all details related to the MID program, refer to the 2024-25 guidelines.

New Component Maximums for 2024-25

Artist Development  $ 2,500

Live Performance

Domestic - $6,000
International - $9,000

Marketing  $ 5,000

 Domestic - $ 5,000
 International $ 7,500

Business Travel  $ 3,000
Sound Recording  $ 5,000


New Annual Maximum Per Applicant 

The maximum investment an Applicant may receive in a fiscal year for all components combined (excluding Sound Recording) has increased from $10,000 to  $15,000. 

New Deadlines 

These components now have a rolling deadline and are subject to available funds.

  • Live Performance
  • Showcase
  • Business Travel + Professional Development

New Amounts For Some Eligible Expenses

Per diems

  • Canada: $100
  • International: $150

Artist fees 

  • Showcase + Live Performance: $250
  • Sound Recording: 600$ per musician, per project 

Eligible Expenses

Eligible project expenses incurred in the same fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) can be included in the completion report.

Timeline For Results

It can take up to 12 weeks for applications and completion reports to be reviewed.  You’ll receive an email notification letting you know whether your application was successful or not, once the review process is complete. You don’t need to wait until your application has been reviewed to start your project. Eligible project expenses incurred in the same fiscal year (April 1 2024 to March 31 2025) can be included in the final budget

What If Your Project Was Accepted Prior To This Announcement?

For projects accepted in this fiscal year (starting April 1, 2024), the new maximum for each component and for eligible expenses will be taken into account, after the submission of your completion report. For example:

  • You have been approved for $1,500 in the Artist Development component, contributing to 75% of your project. During the completion report, if you can demonstrate that you have other eligible project expenses, the MID Investment Program will increase the final payment, up to a total of $2,500.
  • You have been approved for a Live Performance Project. When doing your completion report, you can use the new maximum amounts for artist fees and per diem. You may be eligible for a larger amount than previously approved, up to a maximum of $6,000 for domestic tours and $9,000 for international tours.

Simply fill out your completion report, showing all of your eligible expenses, with required documentation (invoices, receipts, payment declaration forms, etc.), even if it exceeds your original approval amount.


The MID Team will be on hand, via Zoom, on July 24, 2024, from noon to 1 p.m. to answer questions. Register now!


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