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The inescapable finality of all things can be a perplexing concept that leaves one’s soul feeling hollow and restless. This harsh reality is certainly a core inspiration for Omnivide’s music, and the band itself a vehicle for the members to express their thoughts and emotions on the matter.

Formed in 2020, the band spent two years writing the material for their debut album, “A Tale of Fire”, which became a blend of death, prog, melodic and symphonic metal through the combination of their various influences. At times high-energy and technical, at others beautiful and melodic, the band’s first offering is a combination of various metal subgenres that takes the listener on progressive journey.

Having finished writing the material for their debut album in 2022, the group began the recording process, which was all done in the members’ home studios except for the drum recording. Challenging themselves with this self-produced and engineered approach, many challenges and obstacles were encountered along the way, from technical issues to critical stylistic decisions. Despite these difficulties, the fruits of their labours finally materialized when the album was released independently in March 2024 to much critical acclaim. They followed the release with a 15-date tour of Eastern Canada which took them from Halifax to Toronto, which is when they truly began building up their fanbase. Then, in July of 2024, they signed a record deal with the US based label Seek & Strike, setting themselves up to amplify the reach and impact of their future releases. 

Omnivide recently finished the recording of their next EP that is set to release in the fall of 2025. They continue to have a busy touring schedule, always expanding their horizons by playing in new cities.


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